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If you currently or until recently worked in Boston’s restaurant industry, then you know that what is allowed and not allowed changes almost daily. It’s difficult to keep track of who’s doing what, what’s working, and maybe what’s not working. At a time when the obstacles facing bars and restaurants are at their most unique and challenging since Prohibition, we need to come together, meet over coffee or beers, vent, and then, hopefully, find some solutions.

We can’t do all of that right now, of course, but we really, really need to.

Our survey, which you can complete below, is about life and livelihood in local area bars and restaurants, and what we need to make both of those things a continued possibility in the not-too-distant future. We don’t need your name or where you work if you don’t want to share that information, but we do need your insight and experience (and/or that of your friends in the service biz, who you can tell about the questionnaire).

We ultimately hope to give solutions we catch in our reportorial net a platform, and that information gathered here can be used in some plan of action, somewhere. What’s for sure is that the most important grievances and ideas won’t come from a handful of prominent restaurant owners, but rather from the people who truly power this industry—and have the most to lose when it breaks.

The survey portal will be open through Tues, Sept 22. The more information we collect, the more complete a picture we can paint of what we want, what we need, and what’s already being done to carry on. In the fall, we will follow up with everything from charts and graphs to anecdotes showing important success stories that are useful to everyone, from service workers to patrons.

En Español

Read Haley Hamilton’s Silver Dining Playbook series about hospitality industry solutions in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Thanks for reading and please consider this:

If you appreciate the work we are doing, please keep us going strong by making a tax-deductible donation to our IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit sponsor, the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism!

BINJ not only produces longform investigative stories that it syndicates for free to community news outlets around Massachusetts but also works with dozens of emerging journalists each year to help them learn their trade while providing quality reporting to the public at large.

Now in its 10th year, BINJ has produced hundreds of hard-hitting news articles—many of which have taken critical looks at corporations, government, and major nonprofits, shedding light where it’s needed most.

BINJ punches far above its weight on an undersized budget—managing to remain a player in local news through difficult times for journalism even as it continues to provide leadership at the regional and national levels of the nonprofit news industry.

With your help BINJ can grow to become a more stable operation for the long term and continue to provide Bay State residents more quality journalism for years to come.

Or you can send us a check at the following address:

Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

519 Somerville Ave #206

Somerville, MA 02143

Want to make a stock or in-kind donation to BINJ? Drop us an email at and we can make that happen!

Thanks for reading and please consider this:

If you appreciate the work we are doing, please keep us going strong by making a tax-deductible donation to our IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit sponsor, the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism!

BINJ not only produces longform investigative stories that it syndicates for free to community news outlets around Massachusetts but also works with dozens of emerging journalists each year to help them learn their trade while providing quality reporting to the public at large.

Now in its 10th year, BINJ has produced hundreds of hard-hitting news articles—many of which have taken critical looks at corporations, government, and major nonprofits, shedding light where it’s needed most.

BINJ punches far above its weight on an undersized budget—managing to remain a player in local news through difficult times for journalism even as it continues to provide leadership at the regional and national levels of the nonprofit news industry.

With your help BINJ can grow to become a more stable operation for the long term and continue to provide Bay State residents more quality journalism for years to come.

Or you can send us a check at the following address:

Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

519 Somerville Ave #206

Somerville, MA 02143

Want to make a stock or in-kind donation to BINJ? Drop us an email at and we can make that happen!